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The Gift of Hera

for Dick Davis


In an unbroken line

the heirs of Herakles

harvest their golden trees

and splice the fruitful vine.


Today I play my part.

Paring an apple graft,

I hone an ancient craft

half science and half art.


With an impartial knife

I notch and interlock

host wood and scion stock,

marrying them for life


just as I marry rhymes

and rhythms into lines,

borrowing my designs

from other minds and times.


But where would Virgil be

had Homer not retold

a tale already old

learned at his father's knee?


Timothy Murphy



From The Deed of Gift, Story Line
Press, © 1998.  Reprinted by
permission of the author and
Story Line Press, Ashland, Oregon.

Background by
Karen S. Nicholas

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